Search the unsearchable
Mapping Bangalore's informal ecosystem - from street vendors to local events - making the city's hidden information accessible to everyone.
Discover available rental properties through our extensive database of physical 'To-Let' banners across Bangalore.
Find your favorite street food vendors, coconut sellers, and local food stalls in your area.
Browse through actual menu photos from restaurants to make informed dining decisions.
Explore events happening in your neighborhood with our interactive map interface.
Track changing advertisement boards across the city and analyze advertising trends.
Help improve the city by mapping potholes, dustbins, and other infrastructure needs.
Building BLR Search
Full Stack AI Engineer
Satpal is an Full Stack AI Engineer with 4+ years of experience - worked at 2 US based AI startups. Also solo built & sold a RAG based project to SF startup. Created Hindi LLM - Gajendra & hosted open source Indic LLMs on Indic Chat (featured at Google I/O). Visited Bangalore once & exploring the city.